Monday, December 1, 2014

Harlow Robin: 9 Months

 -She weighs 15 lbs 5 oz and is 26" long, these are both in the tenth percentile..girl is tiny 
-She crawls everywhere and fast
-She loves her MiMi, she recognizes her and loves to see her face on Facetime
-She still only has 2 teeth
-She says mama, dada, hi,bye bye, and i'm pretty sure she says puppy
-She shakes her head yes and no and seems to understand their meaning
-She plays really well by herself, she chats to her toys
-She is getting really good at standing up, she has even stood up a few times with out holding on to anything
-She can walk around the couch and then switch to the ottoman
-She wears size 2 diapers
-She wears size 2 shoes
-She wears 3-6 mnth and a few 6 mnth tops and mostly 6 month pants
-She loves to ride her motorcycle
-She loves to eat yogurt bites, halo oranges, oatmeal, pizza, and chocolate :)
-She waves Hi and byebye and she grabs when she wants in or out of something
-She takes 2 naps a day one AM and one afternoon
-She still nurses every 3 hours 9,12,3,6
-She goes to bed around 8:30
-She gets really excited when her daddy comes home from work
-She loves to cuddle her daddy at bedtime

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harlow Robin: 8 months


-she still sucks her thumb when tired or hungry
-she eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner solids (plus a puffs/Cheerios snack) 
-still nurses every 3 hours during the day 
- she goes to bed at 8:30 
-naps at 10,1, and sometimes 4 
-wears size 2 diapers 
-wears 3-6 mnth, and some 6 mnth clothes 
- I'm guessing she weighs 14 lbs now 
-she says Hi, bye bye, momma, sometimes dada 
- she started crawling 11/2/14, and now she is everywhere
- she loves to go on walks, she loves to ride in the wagon and cries when we make her get out 
-she pulls up on anything she can reach 
-she loves other kids, and stares at other babies 
-she has 2 little teeth on the bottom 
-she does this funny snorting laugh,she wrinkles her nose and breathes in and out makes us
-she loves Reggie and they now play together all the time
-she loves bath time


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Harlow Robin: 7 Months Old

I am a little behind on this months update.. Better late than never! 
Here is what Harlow has been up to this month...

-She waves to everyone (especially Reggie)
-She says mamama, usually when she is mad 
-She said dada for the 1st time just a few days ago
-She can roll and scoot to get anywhere she wants
-She pulls up on anything she can reach
-We had to lower her crib and figure out a new way to give 
her a bath because she only wants to stand up
-She eats baby food 3 meals a day
-She loves peaches
-She still nurses every 3 hours 
-She takes 2 naps sometimes a third 
-She can get up on her hands and knees and is very close to crawling 
-At her 6.5 mnth dr app she weighed 13.8 lbs and was 25.5" long
-She loves her Mimi and Pops/Nea and Papa
-She likes when we read books 
-She loves animals and has no fear of them 
-She wears 3-6mnth and 6 mnth clothes
-She just started wearing size 2 diapers 
-Still sucks her thumb when she gets sleepy

Harlow is becoming such a cool little person. She smiles all the time, and loves to wave at all her friends. We love watching her learn how to do things. She is a busy busy little girl. She cannot even crawl yet and we already feel like we cant take our eyes off her without her getting into something. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Harlow: 1-6 Months

Harlow Robin: 6 Months Old

6 Months 

-She sits up all by herself, started about 4 days before 6 mnth
-She wears size 1 diapers
-She wears 0-3 mnth and 3 mnth clothes
-We tried our first solid foods about 3 weeks ago, she eats carrots, spinach, peaches, and rice cereal
-She laughs at our dog Reggie all the time 
-She reached for me for the 1st time the other day (talk about heart melting)
-She loves to swim! We swim at my parents and I think she would jump in if I let her. At home we have a little wading pool and she splashes so much im usually soaked too 
-She goes to bed every night by 8:30 
-She sucks her thumb like a champ 
-She nurses every 3 hours, I pump and she does a bottle only about once a week
-She loves other babies/kids she wants to touch their faces and feel their hair
-She loves to be in her jumper
-She takes 2 naps a day, a morning and a afternoon 
-We are pretty convinced she says "HI" I say it to her a lot, especially when she wakes in the morning and from a nap. Usually she is talking to the dog when I hear her say it :/
-Her 6 month check up isnt for a week or so, but if I were guessing she weighs about 13ish lbs
-She is a very happy baby, smiles at everyone

I will add more as I think of it...

Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We cannot believe that you are already half a year old! You are such a happy girl! You rarely cry, and you give smiles freely! We pray for you often, and love watching you learn new things! These last 6 months have been so much fun. We are so thankful for you Harlow. 
Love Mom and Dad

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Harlow Robin: 5 Months Old

5 Months Old 

This month has been so fun! Harlow is becoming such a funny little person. 

-She rolls everywhere
-puts everything in her mouth 
-she mimics people eating
-she is really interested in textures, she scratches everything to hear the noise it makes
-she loves to go swimming
-she loves to go on bike rides
-she wears size 1 diapers
-she wears 0-3mnth and some 3 mnth clothes
-im guessing you weigh 12lbs
-She tried solid food for the 1st time this week, it was carrots and she loved it! 
-she talks a lot 
-she loves to feel her dad's beard
-she smiles all the time
-she sucks her thumb pretty regularly 
-she takes 2 naps a day (morning and afternoon)
-she goes to bed at 8:30 
-we practice sitting up and she can do it by herself for a few seconds 
-and in the last 2 weeks she has become obsessed with Reggie, she thinks that she is so funny!
-we give her her own tooth brush so she can "brush" hers while we brush ours (she mimics everything)
-She loves her MiMi and her Nea she get legit happy to see them
-she loves when her daddy reads to her (his voice is much better than mine)
-her favorite thing is standing, when you hold her she wants you to let her stand
-she looves music, some of her favorites seem to be Bruno Mars, Shane and Shane, and Pat Benatar
This one..I can't even.. hahaha

We love you more everyday little peanut!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Harlow Robin:4 Months Old

So far I have thought every month has been my favorite, but this month has been really fun! Harlow has been learning soo much! I love watching her discover things, and I especially love watching her get to know me. I can tell she knows who I am, and I love the way she looks at me as she is figuring it out!

-She weighs 11lbs 15oz and is 24" long
-Still eating every 3 hours during the day
-She takes 2 sometimes 3 naps a day
-She goes to bed between 8-9 depending on how tired she is 
-she laughs all the time now (she laughs a lot more at jacob than me)
-she rolls over both ways with ease
-We put her in her jump-n-play and she loves it, it is very cool to watch her be so curious 
-She wears size 1 diapers
-She wears 0-3 month clothes (some NB still fit, and some 3 month fits)
-She loves to go on walks (she almost always falls asleep)
-her farts are very loud..very
-She can grab things now, and everything goes straight to her mouth
-She loves to stand up when you hold her she straightens her legs and wants you to let her stand
-I put her in her crib awake and she goes to sleep on her own
-She has start this bite her lower lip and growl/talk thing 
-she will grab my face in her hands and "kiss" my nose (my fav)
-So far she is happy all the time, the only time she gets a little whiny is when she is sleepy
-she has her feet in her mouth most of the time
-she loves both of her grandmas, she is legit excited to see them 

im sure there are some things i forgot.. 

Harlow we love you, and you get more and more fun everyday. You make us laugh all the time with your noises and silly faces. I am so glad I get to be with you everyday. I don't think I could be any happier! We are overwhelmed with blessings! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Harlow: 3 Months Old

Harlow: 3 Months Old

-She weighs around 10lbs (just guessing from her 2 mth appointment)
-She sleeps in her crib at night
-She sleeps all night occasionally wakes up around 3-3:30 hungry
-She eats every 3 hours during the day (I try and do at least 3 bottles a week)
-She takes 3 naps a day, and she sleeps for about 30-45 min
-Harlow smiles all the time now, it really is the best (it is kind of a shy/bashful grin)
-She loves to take baths, and she now tries to kick the ducky in the tub
-We go on lots of walks, she loves to be outside
-She "talks" a lot when I change her diaper, she talks way more to her daddy than me
-Harlow is still wearing newborn diapers (prob will be switching to size 1 any day now)
-She wears mostly newborn size clothes also, but some 0-3 mth is starting to fit (straight up 3mth is still pretty big)
-She laughed for the 1st time while we were at the hospital waiting for little Amelia Duffield to be born (way to go Ms Karen ;)
-She wakes up really happy, I love going in to get her from her crib cause she gives great smiles
-she also has recently started doing this really dramatic pouty face when you stop doing something that she likes (like when I lay her down on her play mat)
-She can roll over half way, but her right arm always trips her up from going the whole way over
-She can sit up in the Bumbo now, she loves to watch me cook/clean/workout
-I have been doing a mommy devo in the mornings and I read it out loud to her, she loves to her our voices it seems to fascinate her that we can do that with our mouths lol

Harlow, We love you so much! You change so much everyday. You are mommy and daddy's greatest joy!  Seeing you develop and learn things is really really cool! You are a huge blessing to us, and we pray for you everyday! We love you sissy!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Harlow: 2 Months Old

Little Harlow is 2 Months Old!!!

-She weighs 9lbs 5oz and is 22" long (5th percentile for weight, 15th for length)
-She sleeps 2 four hour stretches, one night this week she slept 6 hours!!
-Sometimes after the middle of the night feeding she will sleep in the bed with us the rest of the night (yea yea judge me(; )
-She wears new born diapers
-We have tried sleeping in the crib a few times,but she only sleeps about 2 hours in there
-She wears newborn size clothes (a few 0-3 mnths fit)
-She eats during the day every 3 hours-ish (sometimes a girl is hungry sooner)
-She takes 3 pretty good naps (9ish, noonish, 3 ish)
-She started smiling at about 6 weeks, and now she does it all the time! (she loves to smile at her daddy)
-She LOVES to be outside,the sun on her face is often our secret weapon
-She loves to take baths, she kicks her legs in the water it's pretty cute
-She chats all the time, her little baby noises are the coolest! I feel like she is trying to tell me things
-She smiles and talks the most on her changing table, she puts on a show when we change her diaper!
-She is very cuddly/social, the kid has to be able to see another human at all times or she gets mad.
-We recently made her a little swing for the back yard, and she seriously loves it! it puts her to sleep in about 5 min!
-O and she loves her pacifier...never leave home w/o it

I love this kid so very much! Getting to stay home with her has been such a blessing. I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to be Harlow's mommy. You better believe there are days that I want to ship her off to day-care. HAHA She is only 2 months old and there are days that we don't get along. But I wouldn't trade a second of this life with her! I have loved seeing her little feisty red-head personality come out this last month! Mommy loves you so much sissy!